The ABCD is unique in its concern for bilingual education and assistance to the families of Brazilian-Australia and other Portuguese-language families in Australia. It is not formally linked to BraCCA (Brazilian Community Council of Australia) but works closely with it in the area of assistance to Brazilian background families in Australia. See BraCCA’s website on
In many ways. By becoming a member you can stay in touch and receive regular updates and invitations to regular and extraordinary events such as weekend barbecues, evening workshops etc. Portuguese-language classes for children are offered in various locations. The ABCD Children’s Library has more than 1000 items for borrowings (members only). And, if you are interested, you can also help the ABCD in a voluntary capacity. Contact:
The playgroup is primarily concerned with the teaching of Brazilian Portuguese-language and culture to children in an informal and social setting. If you’d like your child/children to grow up speaking Portuguese, the playgroup is a good place to start. Prior knowledge of the language is not necessary, but an interest in it will help your child feel more at easy within the group.
It is possible to include your child in a class that is appropriate to their level of competency. Contact the supervising teacher, Lucia Tavares to find out if there is a beginners’ class in your area: or 0414 690 568.
Membership is voluntary, however members have exclusive benefits such as free library borrowings in person and by post, quarterly newsletter subscription, discounts at paid events and notification of regular events and workshops.
Membership is necessary for class students. Payable with the first term attended.
To join click here
Bilingual upbringing is a lifetime commitment. Whilst your child will pick up some words and expressions by attending a regular playgroup or language class, to be truly bilingual requires an entire set of resources. These include: consistent parental/carer input, exposure to language in visual and audio means, exposure to culture as a reason for wanting to understand/speak the language, etc.
More in Archives .
Karin Alfonso and Lia Timson worried that their children would grow up not fully understanding their mothers’ culture and, consequently, their cultural background. They felt that if they gathered like-minded parents to provide Portuguese-language stimuli to their children, this would allow them to learn the language, make friends with other children in the same situation and, in general, better value their bi-cultural advantages. Karin and Lia started the Playgroup, in Manly, NSW, Australia, in July 1999 whilst Karin was pregnant with Maya and Lia already had 18-month-old James, Nicholas followed two years later. Most of the families who attended the very first playgroup sessions are still involved and, we are pleased to say, their children are very proud of their heritage and their bilingualism today.
Any second language must be useful to be relevant. The ABCD can help you find ways to make the language useful to your child. Please read more about it in the Archives. Portuguese-language classes, socialising with other children who also speak the language and being able to enjoy things available exclusively in Portuguese, are some of the strategies employed by our members. A committed parent or care-giver and an agreed home strategy to foster the language are known to be helpful.
People wanting to help are always welcome. You can help in many ways – by standing for an official post, sharing the playgroup roster, or simply by being the next one to organise or host an outing or workshop. The best way to find out is to contact our us with your ideas and availability.
The ABCD is a not-for-profit organisation. It is incorporated according to the Fair Trading Act and accountable to the NSW Department of Fair Trading. It is managed by volunteer parents who donate their time and expertise in return for the cultural and educational benefits their children receive.
Your membership contribution goes towards the administration of the association such as the newsletter, stamps, craft and educational material such as books and library items, and on the promotion of events.
Language class fees go towards the payment of teachers, materials and insurance.
No. The ABCD is completely free of any links to any such organisation or doctrines. It is concerned only with the linguistic development of bilingual children.
From time to time it is necessary to raise funds for events and other activities through commercial sponsorship. Sponsors for specific events are invited to participate with monetary contributions based on their affinity with the ABCD’s cause – that is the promotion of Brazilian-language and culture to children. In those specific cases, sponsors are acknowledged and their products/services promoted to members and event audiences. To enquire about marketing opportunities please contact: